

The Essentials

Domain 8: Informatics and Healthcare Technologies

Descriptor: Information and communication technologies and informatics processes are used to provide care, gather data, form information to drive decision making, and support professionals as they expand knowledge and wisdom for practice. Informatics processes and technologies are used to manage and improve the delivery of safe, high-quality, and efficient healthcare services in accordance with best practice and professional and regulatory standards.

Contextual Statement: Healthcare professionals interact with patients, families, communities, and populations in technology-rich environments. Nurses, as essential members of the healthcare team, use information and communication technologies and informatics tools in their direct and indirect care roles. The technologies, the locations in which they are used, the users interacting with the technology, the communication occurring, and the work being done all impact the data collected, information formed, decisions made, and the knowledge generated. Additionally, the utilization of information and communication technologies in healthcare settings changes how people, processes, and policies interact. Using these tools in the provision of care has both short- and long-term consequences for the quality of care, efficiency of communications, and connections between team members, patients, and consumers. It is essential that nurses at all levels understand their role and the value of their input in health information technology analysis, planning, implementation, and evaluation. With the prevalence of patient-focused health information technologies, all nurses have a responsibility to advocate for equitable access and assist patients and consumers to optimally use these tools to engage in care, improve health, and manage health conditions.

illustration of a brain


Entry-Level Domain 8 Competencies

8.1 Describe the various information and communication technology tools used in the care of patients, communities, and populations.

  • 8.1a Identify the variety of information and communication technologies used in care settings.

  • 8.1b Identify the basic concepts of electronic health, mobile health, and telehealth systems for enabling patient care.

  • 8.1c Effectively use electronic communication tools.

  • 8.1d Describe the appropriate use of multimedia applications in health care.

  • 8.1e Demonstrate best practice use of social networking applications.

  • 8.1f Explain the importance of nursing engagement in the planning and selection of healthcare technologies.

8.2 Use information and communication technology to gather data, create information, and generate knowledge.

  • 8.2a Enter accurate data when chronicling care.

  • 8.2b Explain how data entered on one patient impacts public and population health data.

  • 8.2c Use appropriate data when planning care.

  • 8.2d Demonstrate the appropriate use of health information literacy assessments and improvement strategies.

  • 8.2e Describe the importance of standardized nursing data to reflect the unique contribution of nursing practice.

8.3 Use information and communication technologies and informatics processes to deliver safe nursing care to diverse populations in a variety of settings.

  • 8.3a Demonstrate appropriate use of information and communication technologies.

  • 8.3b Evaluate how decision support tools impact clinical judgment and safe patient care.

  • 8.3c Use information and communication technology in a manner that supports the nursepatient relationship.

  • 8.3d Examine how emerging technologies influence healthcare delivery and clinical decision making.

  • 8.3e Identify impact of information and communication technology on quality and safety of care.

  • 8.3f Identify the importance of reporting system processes and functional issues (error messages, mis-directions, device malfunctions, etc.) according to organizational policies and procedures.

8.4 Use information and communication technology to support documentation of care and communication among providers, patients, and all system levels.

  • 8.4a Explain the role of communication technology in enhancing clinical information flows.

  • 8.4b Describe how information and communication technology tools support patient and team communications.

  • 8.4c Identify the basic concepts of electronic health, mobile health, and telehealth systems in enabling patient care.

  • 8.4d Explain the impact of health information exchange, interoperability, and integration on health care.

8.5 Use information and communication technologies in accordance with ethical, legal, professional, and regulatory standards, and workplace policies in the delivery of care.

  • 8.5a Identify common risks associated with using information and communication technology.

  • 8.5b Demonstrate ethical use of social networking applications.

  • 8.5c Comply with legal and regulatory requirements while using communication and information technologies.

  • 8.5d Educate patients on their rights to access, review, and correct personal data and medical records.

  • 8.5e Discuss how clinical judgment and critical thinking must prevail in the presence of information and communication technologies.

  • 8.5f Deliver care using remote technology.

Advanced-Level Domain 8 Competencies

8.1 Describe the various information and communication technology tools used in the care of patients, communities, and populations.

  • 8.1g Identify best evidence and practices for the application of information and communication technologies to support care.

  • 8.1h Evaluate the unintended consequences of information and communication technologies on care processes, communications, and information flow across care settings.

  • 8.1i Propose a plan to influence the selection and implementation of new information and communication technologies.

  • 8.1j Explore the fiscal impact of information and communication technologies on health care.

  • 8.1k Identify the impact of information and communication technologies on workflow processes and healthcare outcomes.

8.2 Use information and communication technology to gather data, create information, and generate knowledge.

  • 8.2f Generate information and knowledge from health information technology databases.

  • 8.2g Evaluate the use of communication technology to improve consumer health information literacy.

  • 8.2h Use standardized data to evaluate decisionmaking and outcomes across all systems levels.

  • 8.2i Clarify how the collection of standardized data advances the practice, understanding, and value of nursing and supports care.

  • 8.2j Interpret primary and secondary data and other information to support care.

8.3 Use information and communication technologies and informatics processes to deliver safe nursing care to diverse populations in a variety of settings.

  • 8.3g Evaluate the use of information and communication technology to address needs, gaps, and inefficiencies in care.

  • 8.3h Formulate a plan to influence decisionmaking processes for selecting, implementing, and evaluating support tools.

  • 8.3i Appraise the role of information and communication technologies in engaging the patient and supporting the nurse-patient relationship.

  • 8.3j Evaluate the potential uses and impact of emerging technologies in health care.

  • 8.3k Pose strategies to reduce inequities in digital access to data and information.

8.4 Use information and communication technology to support documentation of care and communication among providers, patients, and all system levels.

  • 8.4e Assess best practices for the use of advanced information and communication technologies to support patient and team communications.

  • 8.4f Employ electronic health, mobile health, and telehealth systems to enable quality, ethical, and efficient patient care.

  • 8.4g Evaluate the impact of health information exchange, interoperability, and integration to support patient-centered care.

8.5 Use information and communication technologies in accordance with ethical, legal, professional, and regulatory standards, and workplace policies in the delivery of care.

  • 8.5g Apply risk mitigation and security strategies to reduce misuse of information and communication technology.

  • 8.5h Assess potential ethical and legal issues associated with the use of information and communication technology.

  • 8.5i Recommend strategies to protect health information when using communication and information technology.

  • 8.5j Promote patient engagement with their personal health data.

  • 8.5k Advocate for policies and regulations that support the appropriate use of technologies impacting health care.

  • 8.5l Analyze the impact of federal and state policies and regulation on health data and technology in care settings.