
GNSA Bulletin - June 2023 Edition


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GNSA Bulletin - June 2023 Edition

Emerging Leaders
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Brielle L. Dotson, B.S.E.d

Clinical Nurse Leader Direct Entry MSN Program

University of Virginia
Graduation Date: May 2023

During my childhood, I witnessed first-hand the disparities in health care for low-income and underserved communities. I helplessly watched as my parent’s chronic conditions and mother’s mental illness worsened under our financial struggles. As a child, I struggled to find my voice amidst these circumstances. It wasn’t until I filled the need for nursing technicians during the pandemic that I found my passion for providing quality, patient-centered care and learned that I can be the advocate I needed growing up. I then pursued my MSN degree in the University of Virginia Clinical Nurse Leader program to begin my journey as a nurse. I have since gained immense clinical experiences, including 448+ hours in critical care. I have always been a fierce caregiver and driver for change. While pursuing my undergraduate degree, I grew into my role as an advocate for the low-income and first-generation community. I also gained extensive experience with developing, analyzing, and publishing scientific research and showed my desire to analyze and implement quality improvement projects.

Today, as the president of the graduate nursing community, I support nurses pursuing their advanced degrees and challenge the nursing school to improve. I also have fostered my Spanish speaking skills to best serve my patients and community as a volunteer at the Charlottesville Free Clinic and through abroad pediatric opportunities. Throughout this graduate nursing degree, I have furthered my ability to advocate and have learned to support evidence-based practices to keep units at the forefront of patient care. I am very excited to take the next step in my career at Georgetown in their Medical ICU. By giving attention to more than medical conditions and getting to know my patients, I will be able to advocate for and provide well-rounded care. Although I may never be able to fully grasp an individual's unique experience, I know how it feels to be misunderstood within the medical sphere. Each patient brings with them a nexus of socioeconomic, racial, and cultural complexities. By acknowledging the ways in which our healthcare system is flawed, it is possible to pave a new way forward that recognizes each patient’s case as unique. I see the potential in the field of nursing and the ways it can grow and foster improved patient care. I look forward to taking each opportunity that comes my way and moving upward in nursing leadership to become an advocate for change.



Are you our next emerging leader? Do you excel in your graduate program, demonstrate excitement for your nursing work, and/or have potential to greatly contribute to health care? If so, submit an  today for yourself or a fellow student. The emerging leader will be selected from the applicants and notified when they will be profiled. Help us recognize future nursing leaders!


Noteworthy Publication: 

In the May 2023 American Journal of Nursing, writer Nicole Fauteux explores nursing’s role in civic engagement in an article titled . With only 3 nurses in Congress and 68 nurses serving in state legislatures (among nearly 7,400 elected officials), the article highlights the need for more nurses to run for office and have a voice in shaping healthcare policy.  Insights from Dr. Darlene Curley, former member of the Maine House of Representatives and current chair of 91制片厂’s Foundation for Academic Nursing Advisory Committee, are highlighted. If you are interested in starting your journey towards civic engagement, explore the GNSA Advocacy Leader opportunity below. 

Explore AACNCareer Center for Faculty Opportunities
Looking for a faculty position? Explore 91制片厂's Career Center where you can filter by job type, city, and state. 
Featured Faculty Positions:
To view more positions, click here

Join the GNSA!
Take advantage of the various benefits that are free to you as a graduate student! Tell your fellow students and make sure they join today. to complete the online application.

Reflection and Rest for the Summer


Summer is right around the corner! It’s hard to believe that another school year has come and gone, but I hope we can all take time to reflect and rest. Below are some ideas I hope you can use to recharge over the summer.

What was your favorite course over the year and why? What excited you about the course, and what did you learn? What was your least favorite course and why? Thinking and writing about these things can help us better understand what we want for our future and how we want to shape the profession of nursing.

Networking and Leadership Opportunities
Is there a conference you are interested in? Or a group you may want to be a part of? You certainly do not need to commit to a conference or a group over the summer, but I have found it helpful to browse online about what opportunities may be out there. Sometimes it’s hard to think about anything other than school and living life during the academic year, but if you have some downtime this summer, start daydreaming about opportunities you may want to be a part of, given what you have learned this year.

Summer Reading, Audiobooks, and Podcasts
I don’t know about you, but my “read for fun” days diminished once starting graduate school. It’s easy to become burned out on reading when so much of our reading time is focused on coursework. I am trying something new this summer. I plan to pick two books; one that is purely for my enjoyment and one that relates to my professional development or interests. Hopefully, I can read more books, but two sound like a good starting point. I also love listening to podcasts and audiobooks while in the car or working around the house. What podcasts or books are on your list for the summer? Head over to GNSA Connect to share your favorites! 

Rest for our Minds and Bodies
Getting through an academic year is hard. I am sure many of us are tired and ready for a rest! Some of you may have summer classes or dissertation hours, which can make it feel like you never fully get a break. I remember having summer classes and trying to plan vacations during the small breaks between them. Whatever your academic workload this summer, try to be intentional about your rest. If an out-of-town vacation is not possible, try a staycation. At the very least, try to have one day a week where you physically remove yourself from email, school, and work. Step outside for a bit. Even if I have a busy day planned, I know that starting my morning with some sunshine on my face and fresh air in my lungs will help me. A short walk can also help. Lately, I have found 5-mintue exercise videos on You-Tube to be quite helpful when I need a brain/body reset during the day. It is so important that we rest our minds and take care of our bodies. Who else feels like they are winning if they get some fruit and veggie servings in for the day? I know I do. It’s a small victory and somehing to celebrate when you know you are doing something good for yourself. I prefer a happy dance, but mentally applauding yourself helps too.

I hope everyone has a fantastic summer filled with laughter, joy, and rejuvenation.

Marissa Bartmess
GNSA Leadership Council Member
PhD Graduate
University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Deadline Extended: GNSA Award for PhD-DNP Collaboration Excellence
We have extended the deadline for the PhD-DNP Collaboration Award to June 30, 2023 to accommodate applications in process and those preparing a new nomination. If you are currently working with a student in a PhD or DNP program and are interested in getting national recognition for your work, this is a wonderful opportunity for you. There is a small monetary award, and winners present their projects at 91制片厂's Doctoral Education Conference which takes place in January 2024. For more information on eligibility requirements and to learn more, click here

Don't Miss the GNSA Conference in Washington, DC!
2022 GNSA ConferenceAre you looking for professional development opportunities over the summer? If so, you can't miss the 2023 GNSA Conference , which will be held on August 17-18, 2023 in Washington, DC. The theme will focus on Building Partnerships in Nursing: Addressing Current and Future Challenges with sessions on leadership development, nursing innovation, and developing your personal brand. If you are ready to join your nursing colleagues from across the country, register below! To learn more, click here>>

GNSA Lunch and Learn Sessions
Lunch and LearnThe GNSA is offering a new series called Lunch and Learn. These 30-minute sessions are hosted by members of the GNSA Leadership Council. Bring your lunch or coffee for informal discussions on hot topics, issues of interest to graduate nursing students, or opportunities to collaborate on practice or research.

June GNSA Lunch and Learn Session

Topic: Bullying

Date: June 22 at 1:00 pm ET

Speaker: Kimia Robinson, GNSA Leadership Council Member and DNP-FNP graduate, Arizona State University


Join June's Lunch and Learn session as we have a conversation around bullying. Come with your story and engage in a conversation around the topic in a safe environment. Use this session as an opportunity to share and hear from others. 


Meet the Newest GNSA Liaisons 
To learn more about the GNSA Liaisons, click here

GNSA Resource Highlight: Springer Publishing Discount
GNSA members are eligible for an exclusive 40% discount on all books offered through Springer Publishing by using the special discount code GNSA during checkout. to explore the resources available through Springer Publishing and use the code today!
In addition to various publications available through Springer Publishing, you may also be interested in the various certification prep materials that they offer. To take advantage of the 40% discount,

Missed one of our spring 2023 webinars? All events have been archived, and you can register to review them at any time. Once registered using the link, you will receive an email confirmation with the link to the recording. Don't forget, you can also earn CEU credits for the webinars, just complete the evaluation.
Postdoctoral Education in Nursing: Types, Goals, and Opportunities
Aired on April 25
The AACNEssentials and the Graduate Student - What Does it Mean for Me?
Aired on February 2


GoodRX Helps Nurses for Change Scholarship

Ten applicants will be awarded $5,000 for providing compelling ideas that address healthcare challenges in the U.S. Eligible candidates must be in an MSN, APRN, or DNP program, have a minimum of 3.0 GPA, and self-identify as a person from an underrepresented group in the healthcare field. The application deadline is July 7. To learn more,


Faculty Scholars Grant Program

A total of $50,000 in funding will be distributed to support two $25,000 faculty scholarships through 2024. The application deadline is August 5, 2023. For more information on the application process and criteria, click here


Join the GNSA Advocacy Leaders!

CapitolAre you interested in learning more about the advocacy process and further developing your advocacy skills? If so, sign up for the GNSA Advocacy Leaders today! This group of 104 representatives (2 from each state) receives specialized instruction through quarterly conference calls to further develop understanding of the policy and advocacy process. To apply, and submit  your application by  August 4, 2023.