
Call for Pilot Schools: Competency-Based Education for Practice-Ready Nurse Graduates


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Call for Pilot Schools: Competency-Based Education for Practice-Ready Nurse Graduates

AACNis pleased to announce a call for pilot schools for a new initiative focused on implementing The Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education and accelerating the transition to competency-based nursing education. With funding provided through the American Nurses Foundation’s Reimagining Nursing Initiative, AACNwill select 10 schools looking to develop and implement competency-based learning and assessment in two Essentials’ Domains: Population Health (Domain 3) and one other Domain selected by participating schools.  

AACNis seeking 10 schools with prelicensure baccalaureate or master’s nursing programs to implement and evaluate learning strategies and clinical experiences developed through this project in their curriculum. Selected schools will receive $100,000 in funding and technical assistance from AACNthrough March 2025. or the button below for information about the selection criteria, expectations of AACNand pilot schools, and more.

The submission deadline is Friday, November 4, 2022.

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