
AACNUrges Congress to Find Legislative Solution for DACA \"Dreamers\"


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AACNUrges Congress to Find Legislative Solution for DACA "Dreamers"

AACNjoins over 75 national associations in sending a to Congressional leadership urging permanent, legislative action to address protection for individuals who are registered under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), an Executive Order established in 2012. On September 5, 2017, President Trump announced the White House鈥檚 decision to rescind DACA, and stated that Congress will have a six-month window of time to come up with a solution to prevent the over 800,000 DACA individuals from facing deportation. AACNis concerned with the fate of these young adults who came to the United States as children. Many of these individuals are enrolled in institutions of higher education, enlisted in our military, and are contributing to the economy. AACNwill continue to actively engage as it relates to our member institutions.
Categories: Policy & Advocacy