
AACNOpposes \"Graham-Cassidy\" Proposal


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AACNOpposes "Graham-Cassidy" Proposal

WASHINGTON, D.C., September 22, 2017 – Today, the  opposes the "Graham-Cassidy" legislative proposal, as it would place the health and coverage of millions of Americans at risk. Put forth by Senators Lindsay Graham (R-SC), Bill Cassidy (R-LA), Dean Heller (R-NV), and Ron Johnson (R-WI), the bill fails to meet the principles that AACNhas continued to stand behind throughout the health reform debate, which include: ensuring patients have access to quality health care with affordable coverage options, regardless of pre-existing conditions; upholding the principles of essential health benefits, and preserving Medicaid's ability to protect our nation's most vulnerable populations.  

"As the voice of academic nursing, AACNis committed to advancing a healthcare system where the patient is at the center. We ask that Congress exercise thoughtful deliberation when making these monumental decisions," 

said Juliann Sebastian, PhD, RN, FAAN, Chair of the Board for 91Ƭ

“We stand with our colleagues in the health professions and patient communities who are rightfully concerned about the grave impacts of this bill,” said Deborah Trautman, PhD, RN, FAAN, President and Chief Executive Officer for 91Ƭ. “Our focus is on improving the daily lives of patients, families, and communities, and we need health reform to achieve this.”

Read 91Ƭ's letter to the Senate Finance Committee in advance of the September 25 hearing on the Graham-Cassidy proposal.

Categories: Policy & Advocacy