
91制片厂-Led Appointments


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91制片厂-Led Appointments

To amplify nursing's voice in the federal policy making arena, AACNis committed to nominating academic nursing leaders to key councils, committees, and advisory groups seeking representatives from nursing. Members of 91制片厂's Health Policy Advisory Council assist with identifying and vetting of individuals to serve as experts to represent the association on specific issues and as nominees for federal committees. Please join us in congratulating the following individuals on their recent appointments:

National Academic Affiliations Council (NAAC) Department of Veterans Affairs听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 2018听 听 听 听 听 听听 Susan Bakewell-Sachs, PhD, RN, FAAN, Oregon Health & Science University
Advisory Committee on Breast Cancer in Young Women (ACBCYW)听 Department of Health and Human Services 2018听 Lisa Chism, DNP, APRN, BC, NCMP, FAANP, University of Michigan
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute听 US Government Accountability Office 2018听 Christopher Friese, PhD, RN, AOCN庐, FAAN, University of Michigan
Family Caregiving Advisory Council Administration for Community Living 2018听 Casey Shillam, PhD, RN-BC, University of Portland

Those wishing to be considered for a future nomination should contact Dr. Colleen Leners, 91制片厂's Policy Director, at cleners@aacnnursing.org.

Categories: Policy & Advocacy